An SSL certificate is a way to ensure that communication between a website and its users is encrypted and protected from hacker attacks. If a website has an SSL certificate, its address starts with https and a lock symbol or green label is displayed in the browser.

Since 2014, Google has been favouring sites with HTTPS and giving them better search rankings. On the other hand, it labels sites without HTTPS as insecure and warns users against them. In addition, since February 2020, Google Chrome has been blocking cookies from sites without an SSL certificate, which affects re-marketing campaigns, conversion measurement and site performance.

An SSL certificate is a must for any website or e-shop that cares about its security and that of its users. It also ensures that your website is encrypted and no one can listen in on your communications. It also strengthens your site’s credibility and image.
If you are not sure how to get an SSL certificate for your website or e-shop, please contact us at We will be happy to help you with installation and setup. Among other things, we can help you with search engine optimization, content creation or online marketing.